
Glasses on a person can only stir the intellect,

therefore the eye parts ways with vision
to commerce with the ancient statues of memory's ruins.

A horsefly bites the leg of a child.
He ponders said event moments later
when the darkness of the sky is illuminated by veiny light
-ning, & therefore he asserts that
eyes are emeralds, pearls, similar gems
for discovering & examining & observing
the windows, walls, shutters;
the trees, innumerable fungi, architecture.

The cup is empty.
How clever to be thirsting, like silence, for the air,
to be eaten as prey
by the pressures & stink of life,
to be "fit" to know better
& spy out the formulaic downfall
before you're cleaned out, left in-place
as the anathematic shell of your former self.

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