

Some days are like
bringing rabbits out of a hat.
Some days one must
hide one’s light
in a barrel. Some days
one’s heart doesn’t want
to to stay where it belongs—
it keeps going
flippity-flop flippity-flop.
Some days there are
unexpected pleasures
that leave you in a kind of
impressive pause
that lasts long enough
so that any random sound
will make you jump as if
gazing upon the nucleus
of the neurotic.
Yes, unexpected...
like over-hearing
someone say, “art gives me
the willies” or like tonight,
while flipping, or flopping,
through the Complete Poems
of E.E. Cummings
that I had recently obtained
from an antique store,
I discovered a pressed
marijuana leaf on page 776,
covering a poem titled SONG
where lines from the poem
such as “precisely ours /
is the now to grow” & “our summer
in fall / and in winter our spring /
is the yes of yes” befits my
inflamed discovery just as
“strolling slowly(mind in mind) /
through some green
mysterious land” caressed
the underside of the leaf
on the very opposite page.
& then I grew anxious for
more discoveries
so I flipped through the
thick book where I was
thinking that perhaps
I’d find money? a tiny birdie
with golden wings? & suddenly
on page 383
I made another discovery:
a four-leaf clover
that had perhaps been aching
to be seen again after thirty years
like a corpse that longs to be seen
in a wax museum.

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