

The clouds,
thick as a

Slavic accent.
The upward tongue:
imagine a cowlick.

This is the sun,
behind the overcast,
or a deleted scene

from a dream.
Some people
are soured

beneath breath,
leaving trails
of fallen stars;

a wounded elixir.
If we could
merely squeeze

the horizon together,
forced to a tunnel,
would this be

where Method begins?
Imagine expanding
to the limit

of your eye.
The way that
fog “holds” light.

Lozenge under
tongue, I am
the lozenge under

this night
like a still-life

& every time
I sit here,
whether incidental,

or consequential,
there is always
a purpose

for misleading
the eye, as if to
temporarily censor, to

add spirits, to
squeeze the citrus
from my heart,

a brewery for taste.
Out of the window,

If the fog
gets any lower,
heaven will become

a halo
over my head,
Language tearing

through me
like the power
of hydraulic rams’ horns,

& there is no city
of comparible size
to that of the

poet’s heart;
his swollen crest,

everywhere in motion,
in one guise

or another,
feeling as strange
as Hiroshima Day.

The light
within my soul
is far different

than sunlight. My eyes
sweep across
the sky

with tender ovations.
It is as if
this air were

vox, et praeterea nihil
& that very voice:
as light-heavy

as a wishbone
the heart.

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