

Animals         deep in our hearts      deep in our arts
        I move along the galloping pack      It is said that
rats that are exposed early to music of Schoenberg & Mozart
    show a strong liking in later life for other music by the
composer that they were raised on & reject the composer
      that they were not raised on         I have become
  accustomed to these Gregorian chants of winter
Clouds      foggy       I am an animal of antiquity     as gentle
    as Oliver Twist     I have become attached umbilically 
to the mellow-minimalistic piano-melodies in this room's
    impregnable coma         You too could be spoiled by
the hypnotic expansion      eking varicolored spotlights
    where music attempts to shear the air here       Once the music
 has ended it can still be heard      I hear it now
     Satie's tunes (his fingers were like a Mother's affection)
I could bounce upward, downward, in a communal pool
showing off my spiritual freedom       I look back to
see if the compact disc had actually ended          It had         I turn
around, amazed, still able to hear the soft keys playing
delicately       My ears & mind prodded by music's
unending proboscis         Animals in our arts       that's
what I said          The artist & mystics of the early & middle
Stone Ages watched animals, modeled animals, drew
animals, dreamed of animals            They had thought
that they themselves had become animals ...
friends, competitors, victims          In the late sixtees
hippies became polychromatic lizards           Occidental
life           nonplussing the globe          (a rigid goosing)
O tempora! O mores!          What of these incunabulas?
     a peeled pellicle      passes into oblivion

I delight in every recall           If my animal-dialogue
becomes "mindless revolutionary jargon"
will you consider me oblique & shrewd like some
sapped arch-conspirator?       At least I'm eye
-filling like dusty gypsum hills before a 
raging blizzard            It's a matter of the face
What's the matter?    What's "the" matter?     What's "matter"? 
Battered by unconvenable weight of sang-froid 
Outside      slick rain-swept surfaces         Inside    animals
amidst animals          An artistry that is capable of 
touching anyone who listens        archiving the pearl
in one's heart

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